The Vision Project
Our new campaign to live out Erin’s vision statement
Unified in Christ, we actively seek to create harmony in a diverse community through compassion, mutual respect, and love.
The Vision Project: Discipleship Baseline Survey
Take the anonymous Discipleship Baseline Survey to help us achieve Strategy 1!
The Vision Project: What’s Your Role?
What’s can you do to help make The Vision Project a success?
The Vision Project: What Changes Are Needed?
What changes do we need to make to the Session and ministry teams?
The Vision Project: What do our strategies mean?
What do our two new strategies mean?
The Vision Project: Why is all this necessary?
Why do we need to do this right now?
The Vision Project: Strategy Announcement and Presentation
Why is The Vision Project critical for the future vitality of Erin?
Exciting Developments
Erin is launching The Vision Project!