Monday: I Samuel 1:1-18

Tuesday: I Samuel 1:19-28

Wednesday: I Samuel 2:1-11

Thursday: Luke 1:26-45

Friday: Luke 1:46-56

Saturday: Luke 1:57-66

Sunday:  Luke 1:67-80

This week we wrap up our series, “Sing a New Song,” by imagining, with the writers, the New Heaven and New Earth promised in scripture, the picture of fulfilment and hope, beyond all suffering and sin. With those in the hymn, we think of ourselves, “Casting down our golden crowns around the glassy sea,” an image from Revelation. These images are poetry, often fantastical, beyond words. Yet they describe a hope, that God’s steadfast love, justice, and grace will have the last word in all creation.  How do you catch glimpses of God’s promise beyond what we now can see?