Monday: Job 38:1-21
Tuesday: Job 38:22-41
Wednesday: Psalm 109:1-19
Thursday: Psalm 109:20-31
Friday: Hebrews 5:1-10
Saturday: Hebrews 5:11-14
Sunday:  Mark 10:35-45

“Be careful what you ask for,” Jesus cautions James and John when they ask to sit at his left and right hand. Questions and requests thread their way through every text this week. God confronts Job with a barrage of questions that highlight the limits of Job’s understanding. The Psalmist, cursed by others, asks that his tormenters receive similar treatment. The writer of Hebrews portrays Christ as high priest, entreating God on our behalf. In all this, the main question of our lives should be how to live like Christ, the servant of all.