Monday Dec. 16: Luke 1:39-45
Tuesday Dec. 17: Micah 5:2-5a
Wednesday Dec.18 : Psalm 80:1-7
Thursday Dec. 19: Psalm 80:8-19
Friday Dec. 20: Luke 3:23-38
Saturday Dec. 21: Matthew 1:1-17
Sunday Dec. 22:  Psalm 24

We prepare for the fourth Sunday of Advent by reading texts that underscore how much the world longed for a savior, for God’s mighty hand to set things right. Our gospel text for Sunday recounts Mary’s visit to Elizabeth. Perhaps they remembered the prophets’ words of judgment and mercy. The Psalmist echoes the theme, of a devastated people praying “Restore us, O God of hosts; Let your face shine, that we may be saved.” At Christmas we celebrate that God does come, to shine light in darkness and to save in devastation. Where do you long for restoration, now?