Monday Dec. 9: Isaiah 58:1-9

Tuesday Dec. 10: Isaiah 58:9b-1

Wednesday Dec. 11 : Luke 3:1-6

Thursday Dec. 12: Luke 3:7-18

Friday Dec. 13: Philippians 4:4-9

Saturday Dec. 14: Philippians 4:10-14

Sunday Dec. 15: Isaiah 12:1-6

We move toward the pink Advent candle of joy. The texts, however, speak as much of judgment as of joy. Isaiah challenges the people about their worship – and whether their sincere ceremonies might be better replaced, or at least accompanied by acts of mercy and justice. John the Baptist comes on the scene, both calling his hearers a “brood of vipers” and, according to Luke, “proclaiming good news to all the people.” Paul reminds the Philippians to rejoice, and recounts how he has learned to be content in all circumstances. What is our source of lasting joy?