Monday Feb. 10: Jeremiah 17:5-11
Tuesday Feb. 11: Jeremiah 17:12-17
Wednesday Feb. 12 : Psalm 1
Thursday Feb. 13: Psalm 2
Friday Feb. 14: I Corinthians 15:12-20
Saturday Feb. 15: Luke 6:17-19
Sunday Feb. 16: Luke 6:20-26
This week our texts contain both warnings and affirmations. Jeremiah echoes Psalm 1 in prophesying long life to those who are deeply rooted in God. On the other hand, those who cling to material wealth or power will be swept away. Paul reflects on Christ’s resurrection as the promise of new life for all, and Jesus brings that new life to people through healing. Then, we have Luke’s account of the Beatitudes. What do you notice here, that stands out from the more familiar Matthean account? Blessings and curses each teach us.