Monday Feb. 3: Isaiah 6:1-8

Tuesday Feb. 4: Isaiah 6:9-13

Wednesday Feb. 5 : Psalm 138

Thursday Feb. 6: Psalm 139

Friday Feb. 7: Corinthians 15:1-11

Saturday Feb. 8:  Luke 5:1-11

Sunday Feb. 9:  Luke 6:12-16

This week our texts focus on being called as disciples, and the message with which we are entrusted. In both Isaiah and Luke, the experience of being called yields immediately to a sense of not being worthy, and then to God’s offering forgiveness and strength to do the task at hand. The Psalms rejoice in God’s deliverance, and Paul reminds readers of the core story of Jesus’ resurrection, and that his life brings life to us, regardless of our status before God.