Monday Jan. 6: Psalm 29

Tuesday Jan. 7: Acts 8:9-13

Wednesday Jan. 8 : Acts 8:14-25

Thursday Jan. 9: Isaiah 43:1-7

Friday Jan. 10:  Isaiah 43:8-13

Saturday Jan. 11: Luke 2:39-52

Sunday Jan 12:  Luke 3:15-22

How quickly time passes! This week we read our only gospel story about Jesus’ childhood, when he scares his parents and then, like any 12-year-old, is exasperated by their worry. “Didn’t you know that I would be in my Father’s house?” Then we are quickly at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, signified by his baptism. “Passing through the waters,” “receiving the Holy Spirit,” and “You are my beloved son” echo in our understanding of baptism. We, too, are called and claimed.