Monday Nov 11: I Samuel 1:1-18
Tuesday Nov. 12: I Samuel 1:19-28
Wednesday Nov. 13: I Samuel 2:1-10
Thursday Nov. 14: Hebrews 10:11-18
Friday Nov. 15: Hebrews 10:19-25
Saturday Nov. 16: Hebrews 10:32-39
Sunday Nov. 17: Mark 13:1-8
This week we read of faithfulness under pressure. Hannah, with her husband Elkanah, experience God’s faithfulness in Samuel’s birth, to lead Israel in an unfaithful time. We have been reading the book of Hebrews all fall; this week we get to the heart of it – the writer urges his congregation to imitate the steadfastness of Christ, who has sacrificed himself for them. And our last Mark reading of the year challenges the disciples to keep on the path, no matter what happens. Can we be faithful, in an uncertain future?