Monday Nov 18: Joel 2:12-17
Tuesday Nov. 19: Joel 2:18-27
Wednesday Nov. 20: Joel 2:28-32
Thursday Nov. 21: Psalm 126
Friday Nov. 22: I Timothy 1:12-20
Saturday Nov. 23: I Timothy 2:1-7
Sunday Nov. 24: Matthew 6:25-33

We read Thanksgiving texts this week.

Joel calls for a fast to encourage people to repent before God’s judgment. The Lord responds, promising to pour out his spirit on all flesh.

Psalm 126 evokes the old hymn, “Bringing in the Sheaves,” where those who sow in sorrow rejoice in the harvest.

The letter to Timothy urges believers to pray for those in authority.

Finally, in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus reminds his followers of God’s care for even the smallest creatures. So why worry? Instead, we give thanks for God’s providence in every aspect of life.