Psalm 85:7  Show us your unfailing love, Lord, and grant us your salvation. (NIV)

There’s something simply beautiful about the whole of Psalm 85. The writer tells of a time when the people of God were looking for forgiveness and mercy for the foolish and sinful mistakes they had made in the past. The whole community felt as though God was angry with them, so both the psalmist and the people prayed for God’s grace.

The psalm begins with a plea for forgiveness of the past and then develops into a prayer for restoration. It’s a very simple way of expressing faith in God’s love for people, and of asking for reassurance in a troubled time. The psalm ends with a song of praise about God’s goodness and leaves the reader, as well as the singers with a lot of hope for the future. It’s a beautiful song of faith which during this whole pandemic crisis becomes a perfect poem of restoration and renewal.

I don’t know about you, but I needed to re-read and embrace this psalm today to know and experience God’s love, mercy, and grace. I hope and pray that you can do the same. 😊

You can read all thirteen beautiful verses of the psalm at this link: Psalm 85.

Prayer: Lord God, thank You for Your mercy and grace, especially when we feel unworthy to receive it. Restore us with Your Spirit of goodness and lead us into a better future. In Christ’s Name, we gratefully pray. Amen.