Today’s Bible readings can be found at this link: Daniel 4:19-37 and Acts 6:1-14.

Acts 6:7 The Word of God continued to spread; the number of the disciples increased greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests became obedient to the faith. (NRSV)

            I wish more church folks would go to Sunday School. In Scotland, Sunday School was only meant for school children and I often felt that the adults lost out on the opportunity to deepen their faith each week. Over here in the United States, I was delighted to discover that Sunday School, which usually takes place before worship starts, is available for children, youths, and adults. I have come to appreciate the depth of discipleship that regular Sunday schooling creates. More than sixty percent of our regular worship attendees participate in our church’s Sunday school classes which is a wonderful community of church folks who support, encourage, and love one another, especially in times of trouble, grief, or illness.

            When I look back at the formation of the Christian Church in Jerusalem, I am glad to read that many of the priests, who were great teachers and servants of God, joined this new faith movement. Their knowledge of the scriptures and dedication to God must have laid a solid foundation for Christ’s work to continue among His people. Originally, most of the priests had opposed Jesus, but after the wonderful Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit moved many of them to accept Christ as their Savior & Lord. It must have been a remarkable moment in the early history of the Church, as well as a great source of encouragement for the first apostles.

            Lots of people have told me that they would like to deepen their faith and commitment to Christ. I believe that they really mean those words. The best way that I have seen for this to take place occurs when folks take a step in the right direction and join a weekly class or Bible study group, especially on Sunday mornings. It may involve getting up earlier and making the time to join a class, but the long-term benefits and blessings far outweigh the initial inconveniences that occur.

Point to ponder: How do I deepen my faith commitment to Christ? Am I willing to join a Sunday school class or weekly Bible study group?

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, You are our Teacher, as well as our Savior. Many of your parables, encounters, and lessons have a great depth of spiritual faith, Biblical knowledge, and divine wisdom contained in them. Encourage us to learn more about our faith by seeking a group of church folks to study with on a regular basis. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

Today’s image is one of John’s Bible drawings depicting Christ reading and explaining the scriptures in the local synagogue. To view a larger version at this link click here. If you would like to comment on today’s message, please send him an email to