Dec 03 – Reading: Isaiah 64:1-9

Isaiah 64:8 Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. (NIV)

One of the greatest understandings of who we are comes to us when we acknowledge that each one of us is the work of God’s hands. We tend to think that we are all self-made, independent, and free, but in God’s reality, – which is true reality – we are all just creatures who have been created for God’s enjoyment, purpose, and meaning. We exist because God sustains us; we live because God loves us.

As we approach the birth of Christ, we need to remember that He became like us so that we may become like Him. If we are open to His Spirit dwelling in our hearts, Jesus can reshape our lives and mold us into becoming better people. In a world which is broken and divided, Christ offers us healing and peace. In a time when we are anxious and worried, Jesus gives us hope and reassurance, when we are willing to place our lives into His loving hands.

Q: Am I willing to open my heart to Christ’s love? Am I ready to let Him reshape me?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, come into our hearts and free our minds of all that troubles us. Heal us from within and reshape our days so that our lives may become better and more meaningful. In Your Holy Name, we humbly ask. Amen.