Carrying Burdens
Galatians 6:2 Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ. (NIV)
One of the best things about church is the amount of support, empathy, and love that faithful people give to one another. Whether it’s through the power of prayer, a kind word and a smile, the sending of a handwritten card, or turning up with a tray of food, many of our church folks are grateful for the friendship and kindness that congregational members share with one another whenever trouble, illness, or issues take place in their lives. The burdens that some have are lessened whenever good church folks rally round.
Over the decades that I’ve been a pastor, I’ve constantly been impressed, encouraged, and proud of how lovingly and effectively our church members will respond to meet the needs of those who are undergoing tough times. Organizing acts of kindness is a great way to fulfill Christ’s teaching; showing support to others in need is a wonderful demonstration that God’s love truly exists.
So, today, let’s be thankful for the ‘first-responders’ in our congregation whose generosity and true charity have helped us all when we needed them most.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for the ministry of compassion and care that we have received from other church folks. Encourage us to become burden-bearers and loving supporters, too. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.
Action Step: Write and mail a card this week to someone in our congregation who needs to be encouraged, supported, and loved.