Luke 8:24-25 The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!” Jesus got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. “Where is your faith?” he asked his disciples. (NIV)

With the storms of protest rising up all over our nation, most of us wonder when this civil unrest will stop. We pray to God for peace across our land and hope for a lasting settlement of all these important issues, but then someone from either side rekindles the anger and frustration, causing us to go through yet another cycle of division, destruction, and devastation. We may point fingers at all whom we oppose and blame them for this, but only history will honestly reveal the agent-provocateurs who have callously and deliberately inflamed our communities.

When the disciples of Christ got caught in a terrifying storm on Lake Galilee, they thought they were going to die. The crashing of the waves around their small boat filled their hearts with fear and their minds with doom. They all believed they were going to drown, so they pleaded to Jesus – who was asleep at the back of the boat – to do something. What they didn’t see was His hands, which were resting on the tiller, were keeping the boat on a true course during the storm. However, in order to diminish their fears and doubts, He stood up, rebuked the elements, and restored calmness to their journey across the lake. Rather than reassure them, however, this primordial raw power of Christ over-awed and, quite possibly, terrified them.

In the midst of all that is troubling us, we cry out for justice and peace, and a halt to all things that stir up trouble by demeaning others, promoting false accusations, and feeding the storm. In the meantime, as we fervently pray, we should ponder this: is Christ sleeping at the tiller holding us on a true course, or have we given way to our fears and doubts? And if we ask God to truly help us, are we prepared for the unleashing of His will and the total transformation of who we all are? So, instead of us asking “Where is God?” will Christ be asking us, “Where is your faith?”

Prayer: Lord Jesus, these are critical times, not just for our nation, but for the whole world. We fear the worst and expect to be overwhelmed by the unrest, division, and hostility among us. Help us to seek You at this moment in Time and follow Your guidance to get us through our present difficulties. In Your Holy Name, we sincerely pray. Amen.

Today’s image is one of John’s drawings depicting the disciples and Jesus during the storm. If you would like to view a larger version, please click here.