Today’s Bible readings can be found at this link: Daniel 9:1-14 and Acts 10:24-48.
Acts 10:43 Peter concluded, “All the prophets testify about Jesus that everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins through His name.”
Guilt is something that a lot of us struggle with on a regular basis. As we go through life, we carry a lot of baggage, some of which include regrets from the past. This might be something wrong in our teenage years, an old family conflict, a foolish and embarrassing choice, or even a mistake that affected our relationships or careers. Whatever the case, our guilt is usually about something that remains unresolved and unforgiven.
From its very beginnings, the message of Christianity has always included the gift of forgiveness, which Jesus offers to us in His name. He can do this because God allows Christ to claim us as His own. This means we can be both pardoned and restored to God at the same time. All of the baggage that we carry from past mistakes can be personally removed when we trust Jesus. We also don’t have to go through religious acts of penance or make major sacrifices to appease God. We only have to embrace Christ and rely on Him to keep His word.
Perhaps there is still something in your life that constantly casts a shadow over you. Maybe there is an unhealed memory that haunts you or a deep regret that weighs you down emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Please know that you can bring those things to Christ in prayer, express to Him your sorrow, and ask Him to forgive you in His name. As soon as you do this, God will forgive you, Christ will release you, and the Holy Spirit will help you to start again.
Point to ponder: What is my greatest regret? Am I willing to let Jesus forgive and heal me of this burden?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, You know all that we carry in our hearts and play over again in our minds. You are aware of the burdens of guilt that we carry and the sources of sorrow in our lives. Please help us to quietly come to You to ask for mercy and grace. Hear us now as we humbly pray in Your Holy Name. Amen.
Today’s image is one of John’s digital glass drawings called ‘Time to Pray.’ If you would like to view a larger version, click this link: click here. If you would like to ask questions or make comments about today’s message, please send John an email to