Holy Wednesday
Gospel Reading: John 13:21-32.
John 13:24 Simon Peter motioned to this disciple and said, “Ask him which one he means.” (NIV)
It was a shocking moment which disturbed all of the disciples. Jesus had just pronounced that one of the Twelve was going to betray Him. No one knew what to say or do which is very surprising. Did this mean that each of them suspected one another?
This part of the betrayal reveals to us the human traits of all the disciples and not just Judas Iscariot. Each one of them is potentially a betrayer of Christ; all of them are astonished about what Jesus declares, and each of them feels the need to find out who the traitor actually is. This is why Peter surreptitiously asks the other disciple to discover who Jesus is talking about. Like the others, the Big Fisherman wants to know the identity of the culprit, so he can feel reassured that it is not himself.
When we are totally honest about ourselves, we recognize that we betray Jesus each day with our ill-chosen words, broken promises, or sinful deeds. We claim Christ to be the Lord of our lives, but the way we express or display our faith to others, reveals a different story. This is what makes Holy Week so important. It’s not just a remembrance of the past; it’s a personal reflective time when we see ourselves as the different characters around Jesus in the story.
Point to ponder: Who am I in these Holy Week stories?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, You know us completely and are totally aware of our sinful potential. We confess to failing to meet Your standards of discipleship, devotion, and service. Enable us to see our weaknesses and help us to overcome them. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.
Today’s image is one of John’s Holy Week drawings called “Cup of Salvation.” If you would like to view a larger version, click here. Come and join us for worship on Sundays at 11:00 AM. You’ll be made very welcome.