Psalm 93:1 The Lord reigns, he is robed in majesty; the Lord is robed in majesty and armed with strength; indeed, the world is established, firm and secure. (NIV)

In a couple of weeks, the world will be focused on the coronation of Charles III. Television cameras from all over the world will broadcast this unique event live and no doubt many people will be amazed to see the coronation regalia, carriages, and parade that will take place in the United Kingdom. I will watch some of it – mainly to see the golden coronation coach which is only used for these special events. When I was a child in school, I won a special prize from my second-grade schoolteacher which was a beautiful drawing of the coach. Ever since then, I’ve wanted to see it being driven on the streets of London.

For some folks, all the pomp and circumstance, as well as the massive expense, will be a major turn-off. Why we continue to support a medieval custom in the 21st century or view a royal procession doesn’t have any relevance for them, especially for some folks over here in the United States which fought a long war to be independent of the British monarchy. I can sympathize with that, but it won’t stop me watching some of this unique historical event.

However, rather than being captivated by it, the whole process will remind me of God’s splendor and majesty which a million coronations could never match. I serve a greater king than any sovereign which a royal family on Earth could produce; I am a subject, first and foremost, of God’s Kingdom through Christ, which is more powerful, sacred, and everlasting than any monarchy or republic could ever establish. The King who has my loyalty is robed with the righteousness of God’s grace and coronated with a crown of thorns, worth so much more to me than any made of gold.

Point to ponder: If I believe Christ is my King, how do I seek to serve Him with my life?

Prayer: Lord God, You are the King of Glory and the Creator of the Cosmos. May we serve You faithfully with our lives as subjects of Your Kingdom. In Christ’s Name, we pray. Amen.