Luke 12:6-7  “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.”  (NIV)

A couple of times this week, I’ve had friends confess to me about how unworthy they feel to be loved by God. It bothers them greatly and hinders them from coming back to church. They genuinely feel that because Covid has isolated them from coming regularly to the sanctuary to worship on Sundays, they have somehow disappointed and failed God. They seem to think that this unworthiness has separated them from both the worship community and the Lord Himself.

This is very hard to bear, and I can remember going through a similar time when I strayed away from the church. The feeling of unworthiness creates a barrier and forms a shell of shame around your spirit. It’s difficult to break through and overcome; it’s also one of the best weapons that the devil uses to keep people away from God.

The good news is this: we are all unworthy to be loved by God and yet, despite what we feel, God still values us as His children and His Son’s servants. This is why Jesus told His people not to worry about their lives or be anxious about their unworthiness. God valued them greatly and loved them deeply, so deeply, in fact, that God sent His Son to die for unworthy people and restore them to God’s favor forever.

So, know this: we who are unworthy, are welcomed back by God to worship in Christ’s church, not because of who we are, but because of Who God is and what Jesus has done.

Q: What makes me feel unworthy of God’s love? How has Christ overcome this for me?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, there are times when we feel that we have failed You and sometimes this stops us from worshiping with others. Help us to accept that we are all unworthy, but that we are also valued highly by God, Whose love for us never ends. In Your Holy Name, we humbly and thankfully pray. Amen.