Join for our Easter Services at Erin Presbyterian Church! We will have many opportunities for you, your family, and friends to celebrate with us. We hope that you will join us during this most special day.
If you are unable to attend our Easter Sunday Service, we will be streaming live – stay tuned to our main facebook page for the stream.
Easter Day Services:
- At 9:30AM, come to our Annual Brandon Breakfast for Easter, in the Fellowship Hall. Everyone is welcome to attend and it is always a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and dear families.
- At 10:15AM, the fun continues with an Easter Egg Hunt for the children, around the church.
- Finally, at 11:00AM, we have our beautiful Easter Worship Service which always has some wonderful music and is our happiest celebration in the whole year, as we joyfully sing about Christ’s glorious Resurrection. Come and enjoy!